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Nan Li 李 楠
Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Email: [email protected]
Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Email: [email protected]
- 1998-2005: Department of Economics, University of Chicago, USA
- March 2005: Ph. D. in Economics
- Primary Fields: Financial Economics, Macroeconomics, and Econometrics
- Secondary Fields: Mathematical Economics, Public Finance
- PhD Committee: Lars Peter Hansen (Co-chair), John Heaton (Co-chair), John Cochrane
- 1995-1998: Institute of Advanced Economic Studies, School of Economics, Wuhan University, CHINA
- July 1998: Master of Arts in Economics
- Major: Financial Economics and Macroeconomics
- 1991-1995: Department of Mathematics, Centre Sino-Française D’Informatiques et Mathématiques, Wuhan University, CHINA
- July 1995: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- 2023/07-now: Associate Professor of Finance, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- 2014/08-2023/07: Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- 2019/10-current: Vice Director, Research Institute of Security and Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (上海交通大学证券金融研究所副所长,金融市场与资产定价研究部主任)
- 2019/10-current: Vice Research Director, Shanghai ZLZY Research Institute of Asset Allocation (上海众禄昭业资产配置研究院研究副总监)
- National University of Singapore, NUS Business School, Department of Finance
- Assistant Professor, December 2004 to June 2014, courses taught:
- Empirical Finance: Time Series Analysis in Macroeconomics and Finance, core course for PhD students in the Department of Finance
- Bank Management, undergraduate course
- Executive Program on Bank Management in Chinese: China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Suzhou Bank and etc.
- Examiner for Asian-Pacific Executive MBA Chinese Program Thesis
- Department of Finance PhD Coordinator, August 2010-August 2012
- NUS Business School PhD Committee member, August 2010-August 2011
- Department of Finance PhD Committee member, January 2005 to June 2014.
- Assistant Professor, December 2004 to June 2014, courses taught:
- National University of Singapore, Risk Management Institute
- Affiliated Researcher, August 2009 to 2015
- National University of Singapore, NUS Institute of Real Estate Studies
- Affiliated Researcher, August 2009 to present
- University of Chicago, Department of Economics
- Lecturer, courses taught:
- Summer 2003: Introduction to Mathematical Methods in Economics, Graduate Math Camp
- Summer 2003: Econometrics A, Undergraduate Course
- Fall 2000: Macroeconomics, Elements of Economic Analysis-4, Undergraduate Course
- Research Assistant
- 2000 – 2003: Professor Lars P. Hansen, Empirical Finance
- Winter 2000: Professor Casey B. Mulligan, Macroeconomics, University of Chicago
- Teaching Assistant
- Winter 2001: Finance and Empirical Analysis, Graduate Course in Department of Economics, Professor Lars P. Hansen
- Spring 2001: Theory of Income III, Graduate Core Course in Department of Economics, Professor Casey B. Mulligan
- Spring 2000: Theory of Income III, Graduate Core Course in Department of Economics, Professor Casey B. Mulligan
- Winter 2000: Introduction to Finance, Undergraduate Finance in Department of Economics, Instructor Wei Jiang
- Fall 1999: Econometrics A, Undergraduate Econometrics in Department of Economics, Instructor Karsten Hansen
- Lecturer, courses taught:
- University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business
- Teaching Assistant
- Fall 2002: Asset Pricing, Ph.D. and MBA Course in Graduate School of Business, Professor George M. Constantinides
- Spring 2002: Financial Markets and Institutions, MBA Course in Graduate School of Business, Professor Douglas W. Diamond
- Winter 2002: Investments, MBA Course in Graduate School of Business, Professor Elizabeth B. Cammack
- Teaching Assistant
- 2022/05-2026/06: Committee Member of CSIAM FinTech and Algorithm Committee(中国工业与应用数学学会第一届金融科技与算法专业委员会委员)
- Member of American Economic Association, American Finance Association, European Finance Association
- Ad-hoc referee
- Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Review of Economic Dynamics, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Quarterly Review of Finance and Economics, Quantitative Finance, Financial Review, International Review of Finance, Operational Research and etc
- Discussant:
- Sixth NUS-IRES International Symposium, Singapore 2015; European Financial Association Annual Meeting 2013; China International Conference on Finance 2011, 2013; FMA annual meetings 2010, 2013,2014; Asian FMA meeting 2011, 2013; Finance Down Under 2011: Building on the Best from the Cellars of Finance; WEAI annual meetings, 2005, 2007
- Program Committee Member of FMA 2011, AsianFA 2011, and FMA 2010, AsianFA2014
- Session Organizer of FMA 2011 and FMA 2010
- Reviewer for AsianFA annual meetings, Singapore International Conference on Finance
- Reviewer for Hong Kong Research Fund 2011, 2014, 2016
- Participant in Global Colloquium on Participant-Centered Learning (GCPCL), Harvard Business School, Boston, July 2010; Harvard Business School Case Writing Seminar, Shanghai, January 2011
- 2021-2024: Decision Making and Asset Pricing under Uncertainty, Research Fund, National Natural Science Foundation of China
- 2018-2020: Bank Management, Exemplary Course in English for International Students, Shanghai Ministry of Education
- 2016-2018: Decision Making of Family Firms under Uncertainty, Shanghai Pu Jiang Talents Fund, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality
- 2015-2017: Exemplary Course in English for International Students Fund, Bank Management, Shanghai Ministry of Education
- 2006-2009: NUS Business School Academic Research Fund, Ministry of Education, Singapore
- 2002-2003: John M. Olin Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, University of Chicago
- 1998-2002: University Unendowed Fellowship, University of Chicago
- Chinese (native), English (fluent), French (proficient)
- Volleyball, Badminton, Tennis