- Bidding For Case
- If your group decide to write on any of the following cases, please send an email to [email protected], after 12:00 noon TBA
- AIG, Allied Irish Bank, Bankers Trust, Barings Bank, China Aviation Oil, Continental Illinois, Daiwa Bank, Lehman Brothers, LTCM, Société Générale,Washington Mutual Fund, Norther Rock, UBS Rogue Trader (2011), Citibank in 2008
- Please put “002 group number” or “003 group number” as the email subject
- Please include the names of your members and at least three choices of the cases in the body of email
- Please note
- Do NOT send multiple email, just one bid for one group. I will put your bid to the last if multiple emails received.
- Do NOT send email earlier than 12:00 noon TBA. An email shows up before this time in my email does not count
- The case will be allocated by “first come first serve” , based on the order of emails show up in my email box (after 12:00 noon)
- You do not need to bid if you choose a self-selected topic.
- About this course and class participation:
- 本课程是全英文课程,授课、讲稿、课堂演讲以及课堂问答,全部是英语;作业和课程论文也需要以英文书写。如果有同学觉得英语水平影响课程的学习和对知识点的理解,我建议选修傅亚平老师开设的商业银行管理中文课程。这两门课所覆盖的知识点基本一致,具体讲课内容可能略有不同,但没有本质区别。曾经有学生因为上课听不懂,打算通过自己阅读教材自主学习,但是这种方法对于这一门课是行不通的。因为上课讲授的很多内容基于我的研究和资料收集,在任何一本教材或参考书中无法找到。另外,案例教学和课堂互动是本课程的有机组成部分,相关的知识点学生只有在课堂上才能获得。
- This is an all-in English course, which means that all the lectures, discussion, homework, project and communication will be in English. If you find it is hard to follow the class due to inadequate preparation in English, then I would suggest you to take the Bank Management course in Chinese taught by Prof. Fu Yaping in the same semester. These two courses share the same objectives and topics, but may differ in teaching styles. Some students tried to learn by himself or herself by reading the textbooks without coming to the class, and it did not work. The lectures are not solely based on the textbooks or references, and I add a lot discussion based on my own research. Furthermore, some of the topics are taught through case study and discussion in class, hence it is important for every student to attend each class and actively participate in the class.
- About switching between sessions:
- Only one-time switch is allowed. That is, if you would like to switch session from session 002 (2:00-3:40 pm) to session 003 (4:00-6:00 pm) or vice versa, you may do it once and stay the same session for the whole semester. Switching between sessions back and forth are not permitted.
- Please send me an email with your student ID to confirm the switch. It is not enough to just put your name on the sign-up sheet.
- Please pay special attention to the location of the final exam of the session you registered in the system, and go to that classroom for final exam.
- At the end of this semester, please take a few minutes to fill the course evaluation in the system and the wechat evaluation to help me make this course better. Your comments are always welcome and appreciated. Thank you.
- For course evaluation, please log in to http://electsys.sjtu.edu.cn/edu/
- For wechat evaluation (currently only in Chinese), 关注教务处微信公众号(SJTUjwc),进入右下方“课程评教”,采用统一身份认证登陆后即可对本学期所学课程进行评价